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I am entirely against any changes that remove land from the greenbelt, or in general cause harm to the environment. It is clear that this is unnecessary and seemingly driven by private profit rather than public benefit. Lire davantage

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There are several Toronto buildings that could be repurposed for housing as I’m sure there are around the rest of Ontario as well. This amendment to the green belt plan will hurt us all in the long run environmentally.

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Absolutely horrendous. This won't "solve our housing crisis", this will simply further line the pockets of the already rich, while further disenfranchising the under- privileged. Lire davantage

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Removing portions of the greenbelt to build houses is a bad idea. This proposal is rushed with little conversations with municipalities. The municipalities make master plans for drinking water and wastewater facilities. They have a certain budget to do that. Lire davantage

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How perfectly splendid. More farm land lost that can never be regained. More crappily built homes that the current generation will never be able to afford, more emissions entering the ozone with all the construction. Don’t build more houses. Make housing affordable. Renovate condemned homes. Lire davantage

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Hamilton voted to NOT spread out but rather to densify. Please respect our decision! You as one person, who does not live here, should not decide what happens in our city. We do not have the need to spread out further nor the infrastructure required to support that. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against the Ford government's plan. Protect the greenbelt. Give Ontario an environmental future. I believe Ford is selling Ontario piece by piece to his developer supporters. It's corruption. Please save the greenbelt.

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I strongly disagree with this proposal to develop land from the greenbelt. This seems like a plan that benefits a few developers at the expense of Ontarios environment. It was very clear in 2018 that Citizens of Ontario opposed any construction of the greenbelt.

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This bill is a transparent attempt to make the developer friends of Doug Ford richer. It flies in the face of what would actually fix a housing crisis and will have detrimental environmental impact on future generations. Shame on you Doug Ford

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The Green Belt does not need to be developed. There’s a reason why it’s untouched, let’s keep it that way. If what you are looking for is more housing, there are plenty of unused office buildings in Toronto that can be converted to low income apartments. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt acts as an effect Drainage and without it the area is more prone to flooding. Housing demand will increase if not in next decade in the couple of decades as population increases. However, green belt modification is not a sustainable solution. Lire davantage

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Chipping away at the greenbelt and building more highways creates more suburban sprawl—a planning mistake made last century that got us into this current mess. It does not help our housing crisis. People were moving out of Toronto because they had to. We still have plenty of space in cities. Lire davantage

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Very opposed to an plans to develop on greenlands. Doug Ford promised he would protect them during the election. It was the one promise he made that I really doubted he would keep. If he breaks it - he will break faith with the people who care about the environment and will never get my vote.

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The greenbelt is a vital part of the Ontario ecosystem. There are other places that can be developed or buildings that are unused can be repurposed towards housing. We must protect our natural resources and wildlife.

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STOP THE DESTRUCTION OF THE GREENBELT AND DO SOMETHING BETTER INSTEAD ! We are not in 1950 to build so many individual houses with suburbia growing out instead of up . Lire davantage

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This conservative government under Doug Ford has no credibility for acting on behalf of the people of Ontario. The decisions this government makes are to assist very wealthy developers and land owners to make even more wealth by building on protected land. We all know why there is a green belt. Lire davantage