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"unequivocally, we will not touch the green belt. Unlike other governments that don't listen to the people I've heard it loud and clear. People don't want me touching their Green belt, we won't touch the green belt. Lire davantage

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The approach to allowing some development is sound. Building near existing infrastructure and on the perimeter is also prudent. Adding additional land within the greenbelt in more sensitive areas is a great way to continue to preserve. Lire davantage

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Please do not remove protections on the green belt. This area of land is crucial to our watershed health and out long term environmental health in Ontario. It should remain untouched for further generations.

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Please please please protect the Green belt and the Oak Ridges Moraine. It was promised to be protected. I strongly reject Bill 23. It is urgent that we keep our green spaces from development and help the devastation caused by climate change. To take away 7400 acres is just plain WRONG.

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Urban sprawl is not the answer. Another highway is not the answer. These areas being developed on swamp lands will flood and likely be cheaply built McMansions. All it will take is one storm similar Hurricane Hazel to make these homes be unlivable. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford promised he wouldn’t touch the greenbelt and should keep that promise. It’s the least he can do since the rest of Onterrible is going to hell in a hand basket. We don’t want the rest of Ontario to resemble Mississauga with concrete everywhere and no green space. Lire davantage

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My kids are facing a world of climate chaos and tearing down green belts does not help the situation. How can a parent agree to such plans that would jeopardize the future for my children? Did anyone see the movie Interstellar? Lire davantage

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This is unacceptable. We don't need more houses built. We need the houses that already exist in the rental market to be affordable/geared to income. That is how we will solve the housing crisis. There is absolutely NO need to build into the greenbelt and the harm it will cause will be irreversible. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is not only important ecologically, it has huge financial benefits as well. To offer it up to a bunch of developers who have histories with the premier is a massive conflict of interest. Lire davantage

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This is a strategy that is outdated and short sited. The proposed change to the greenbelt will hurt Ontario's food system and environment. The last thing we need is more urban sprawl. This disregard for science is disturbing. It's clear that the ford government only cares about short term gain. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely not what anyone wants and serves no purpose other than endanger our ecosystem! The province is in crisis with child care, education, health care, housing, and food! Lire davantage

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The housing crisis won’t be fixed when these 1.5 million homes being built will cost over a million dollars to buy. Developers are undercutting on quality and building homes no where near the value they are selling them for and the government is allowing these astronomical prices. Lire davantage