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I am very much opposed to this use of Greenbelt for expansion of housing, etc. We need the farmland. If developed into housing, we will not be able to grown our own fruits, etc to feed our people. Thus, we will be forced to import from other countries. This can NOT be allowed to happen!!!

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It is absolutely deplorable to think that the government would give up this necessary conservation land to more development. Wetlands are NECCESARY to keep the ecosystem functioning and without it we could see adverse effects further up the food chain.

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This bill is masquerading as a call for infrastructure while covering up the development of the green belt. This bill will not only approve the development of a rich bio diverse landscape but will not address our current pressing issues with housing in the GTA. Lire davantage

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There have already been too many changes whereby protected green spaces have been re-designated as "lands for development". The protection was meant to care for flora and fauna, retain spaces for people to relax in nature, maintain proper watershed operation and promote a healthier climate. Lire davantage

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I urge the Premier and Minister of the Environment to 1. Withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt 2. Proceed with a meaningful expansion of the Greenbelt that reflects public input—repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government Lire davantage

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If you were to drive on any highway anywhere between Toronto and Niagara at rush hour you would know that there is no way our highways are able to support anywhere near 50000 extra cars. Lire davantage

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The proposal to open up spaces in the greenbelt to be used for building is absurd. These spaces are needed for both conservation efforts and farming. We have plenty of other options to build capacity in cities and townships without impacting the environment. Lire davantage

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I don’t think this should happen. The Greenbelt Plan should be left as is. If we need more housing, there’s certainly other places that can be used other than protected green space. Lire davantage

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There is really no need for this. It's needlessly destructive and will cause irreparable damage to Ontario's environment. It's not too late to walk it back and do something else. Lire davantage

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As a long time resident of Oak Ridges, I am highly opposed to any disruption to the green belt. It's especially heinous as there is so much land in Ontario that could be developed. Please leave our little slice of paradise alone. Lire davantage

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Given that a large portion of the lands designated to be removed from the greenbelt appear to be wetlands, as per the maps provided by the ministry. I wonder if the minister has considered where all that water is going to go? Lire davantage

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I am deeply concerned about the proposal to develop land in the Greenbelt. In short, the very purpose of the Greenbelt was to protect waterways, farmland, and ecosystems that exist within it. Lire davantage

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Do not allow houses to be built on protected land. Yes, Ontarians need housing but the houses built on this land wouldn't be affordable to the people that need housing anyways. We have shacks going for over $500,000. The average person can't afford to pay more than $250,000 for a house. Lire davantage

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I am a resident of the Niagara Region and I am very concerned about using any green belt spaces to build houses. We need to preserve out wet lands to control our climate. I’m sure if our government wants to build affordable houses they can find property that is not in the green belt. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt includes protected lands for a reason. Building large single detached homes on Greenbelt land will not help the housing crises. We need to build high density house geared towards lower incomes. We don't need more mansions.

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We are all too far along in our climate change journey to not recognize how damaging this proposal is. We all (governing bodies in particular) are well aware of what needs to be done to get this crisis under control. Lire davantage