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Our green belt is not protected so that a government voted in by 17% of eligible voters that promised it wouldn’t develop the green belt before the last provincial election can gift pieces of it to their developer friends!! Lire davantage

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Absolutely not!! This is not what you promised when elected. We DO NOT want the deforestation and absolute devastation of these lands. They are protected for a reason. Leave the greenbelt alone!

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The Greenbelt is vital to Ontario residents in so many ways. The proposal to remove some of these lands for the purpose of development will be extremely detrimental to the ecosystem, animals and humans. They include farmland, forests, wetlands and watersheds. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is established protected land and a point of pride for Ontarians. Nobody wants to buy houses in the middle of nowhere, the housing crisis and shortage of available homes is artificial. Thousands of homes sit empty and purchased but wildly out of reach in terms of price. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am 19 years old and I live in the GTA. Thank you for the work you do. Although I vote, I've never been one to send comments on political matters because I've always felt a consistent detachment from myself and the government. This time will not be the case. Lire davantage

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This is absurd. The Greenbelt is land that YOU the government said was to be protected in order to help offset the consequences of the very current climate crisis. But now you are going to destroy this so called “protected” land to build more homes?? Build them somewhere else. Lire davantage

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Time to let central Ontario breathe and start focusing population growth in surrounding provinces. I met a man who immigrated here from India to go to university in Saskatchewan, who would not stay there because of lack of resources and the feeling of desolation.. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford wants to destroy everything that makes this province great. From healthcare to education and now the greenbelt; Doug needs to start listening to the people of this province instead of being swayed by big corporations. Lire davantage

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Don't destroy the greenbelt when there is enough land to create housing. Once it's gone, it's gone! We may have a housing problem, but we also have a climate problem. It can all work in harmony if you allow. Thank you, H

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Maintain municipal boundary freeze in Hamilton. No building in the Greenbelt. Stop Ford's lies to the public. Respect municipal decisions. 82% of eligible voters in Ontario DID NOT vote for this FAKE majority government. You will be hearing from us often.

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Saw 2 Perrigrine falcons in York region this week for my first time in 40 years. Now as Owls and falcons as well as blue Herons are making a come back,we are allowing fireworks every weekend, and are going to destroy more habitats, good move on your part

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Removing areas of the green belt is short-sighted for sustainability. These areas that will be developed will be more remote and not have walkable infrastructure that would allow people to do the daily tasks of life without having access to cars. Lire davantage

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This whole situation smells of corruption. Why would you purchase protected land unless you had inside information or those who really don't need money have had their accounts increased. Lire davantage