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Doug Ford, Please listen to the people. Do not swap our existing greenbelt for other land. Do not develop on our existing greenbelt. Please protect them. All I see is rich people getting richer with this new bill. There must be a better solution than this.

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I am in total disagreement with the proposed changes to the Greenbelt. This policy would do nothing to increase affordable housing as any homes built as a result would be single family dwellings (the costliest type). Lire davantage

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This is too slippery a slope. It is not good planning, not even smart growth. It endangers our floodplains and biospheres. It is a potential insurance liability, and flies in the face of climate initiatives. Lire davantage

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We need to protect the Greenbelt and that was the original purpose of putting aside wetlands, farmland and green spaces. The purpose is not for development and certain people making money off the backs of others and the future generations. This bill has got to be stopped!

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Developing green lands should not be done for the sake of 'more housing'. You must realize that Ontario needs these lands to feed residents, and become more self-sustaining. Supply chain issues could impact Ontario's access to food. Anything can cause a supply chain issue - remember the pandemic. Lire davantage

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This is blatant corruption in Ontario and looks embarrassing. The Greenbelt will be weaker and less efficient as not all land produces same benefits to overall. Blatant hand out to donors. Clear case of corruption and all signs point to low quality building on high quality land. More sprawl. Lire davantage

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I am deeply concerned with this proposal. We need to preserve and expand the greenbelt, not chop it up piecemeal and swap the greenbelt parcels for other lands. I believe there are more sustainable solutions to the housing crisis than just building more houses. Lire davantage

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As a lifelong resident of the GTA I can't believe the decisions this government is making regarding the Greenbelt areas. It seems that money and rewarding rich supporters is the underlying motive. Lire davantage

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I find this overreach abhorrent. We do not need to build on sensitive environmental lands. We do not need to build on flood plains. We do not need to take away more of the good farmland we have that we need to feed ourselves in any remotely self-sufficient ways. Lire davantage

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I'm appalled by this proposal to tamper with the greenbelt. This system of protected land—both forest and farmland—is a contiguous greening that we now know is also a community of networked mycelium. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt should remain protected undeveloped land. The province needs to seriously think about what long term environmental issues they are creating so that some people can experience short term gain. Lire davantage

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Ontario’s Greenbelt protects farmland, communities, forests, wetlands and watersheds. It also preserves cultural heritage and supports recreation and tourism in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe. Lire davantage

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Mr. Ford promised he 'would NOT touch the Greenbelt'. He MUST keep his promise. The optics of this proposal are outrageously negative. With climate control initiatives becoming more important as each day passes, does Mr. Ford believe attacking a Greenbelt area makes environmental sense? Lire davantage

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Ford lied about touching the green belt. Then his developer friends bought “untouchable land plots” but Ford changed things so the land could now be developers. Lire davantage

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Stop creating problems for future generations, by taking the easy and destructive path today. We don't need more suburban sprawl, where in the future the ongoing maintenance cost will be subsidized outside of that suburbs Lire davantage

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This government is not thinking these big plans through carefully. There seems to be little or no consideration of infrastructure logistics and there is an absolute frightening approach to care for the environment. Lire davantage