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As a resident of the GTA, I oppose this development expansion into the Greenbelt. While we can still build within established neighborhoods, touching the Greenbelt is unnecessary. The Greenbelt is part of the commons that we are bequeathing to all our children and fellow Ontarians

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It is not a good idea to remove the greenbelt to build more suburbs. The protected wetlands are important for the environment, and we have a looming climate crisis. Also, all the problems with the developers having connections to the Ford government are honestly disgusting. Lire davantage

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My family and I do not support the expansion of Hamilton city limits -we do not support building on green belt -that land is owned by multi billionaire supporters of Ford. Builders should not own that land -do not touch our greenbelt

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Doug Ford promised us he would not to touch the Greenbelt, a vital natural corridor that delivers countless ecosystem services essential to our collective health and well-being — services Ontario and the world at large is currently in short and depleting supply of as we face continuing and compoundi Lire davantage

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The greenbelt provides an important space for families and kids to be outside and learning in nature. Slating this for development is short-sighted and will negatively impact the province for centuries to come. This is an irresponsible decision, and I will not forget this decision when I next vote.

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The claim that the new houses will lower the cost for houses across the province is false. The home builders aren’t interested in building 800 sq ft homes they want to build town houses which make them the most profit.

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The conservatives need to stop their absolute destruction of Ontario. Ford is ruining the land that actually feeds our cities. Between selling his donor friends land and building an absolutely USELESS highway he’s shown us that he’s not “for the people”

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I am a professional working in high density real estate development and construction and oversee real estate applied research in one of the top business schools in this country. Lire davantage

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I am writing to you today to urge a reconsideration of Bill 23. Ontario must continue to protect our greenspaces; we cannot undo the environmental damage that opening up currently protected areas to development will cause. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to the proposed changes to Greenbelt Plans that would remove existing tracts of protected land. There is no need to make these changes because there is already more than sufficient land designated for development both outside the Greenbelt and within municipal boundaries. Lire davantage

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7400 acres is no where near enough land to expand housing stock to reasonable prices. Toronto's housing is 11x median income:median price where Calgary is 3x. When you poll Canadians, most of them want to live in houses or at least townhouses. Lire davantage

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I am utterly against having our green belts dismantled and developed on. Stop this profiteering and feeding greedy developers. Build up our cities by using a Bandan, an empty property where there is already infrastructure in place. Leave our Greenbelt alone.