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The Greenbelt is an important part of the ecosystem of Southern Ontario. Instead of creating more suburbs, we need to densify the existing ones. Without the Greenbelt, the ecosystem in Southern Ontario will be damaged, not to mention the natural beauty destroyed.

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Lying, broken promises and shading dealings. The removal of land from the Greenbelt to build 50,000 mansions (only 3% of the 1.5 Million "affordable housing" pledge") is nothing short of Corruption. Lire davantage

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This bill is unacceptable, as it's indicated purposes Falls completely short. Following issues - Creates a process for selling off conservation lands without oversight - Strips conservation authority powers which protect us from floods Lire davantage

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I think it's rather disingenuous of the Ontario government to consider making amendments to the Greenbelt plans. These lands make living in Ontario exciting and beautiful - it gives those of us living in cities space to breathe and enjoy nature. Lire davantage

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NO TO GREENBELT EXPANSION IN ERIN ON / Wellington county! Force massive amounts of growth in the area and then take away freedom of land use for those who wish to stay close but move outside of the village where growth is projected to have the most effect on people. No thank you. Lire davantage

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The solution to the housing crisis is to increases density by either redeveloping existing neighbourhoods, or unused plots of land from when industries in cities shut down, not decimating the greenbelt by setting a precedent for future governments to use whenever they want to get their party donors Lire davantage

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Leave our Greenbelt alone please! We need the farmland (and farmers) and these natural areas such as forests and wetlands. Removal of these lands will surely undermine the ecological integrity of the watersheds and natural systems that are in and around the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt should be preserved and not built-upon. We need to build smarter and more dense communities and not continue the unsustainable sprawl and the car-dependence that our suburban model promotes.

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Re: Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan ERO 019-6216 I am writing to voice my opposition to the Proposed Amendments. They are flawed in several ways, but at the core, they are based on a false premise – namely the lack of available land for housing. Lire davantage

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I'm not sure what one person like me commenting will achieve, but I thought I'd pitch in anyways. I oppose building on Greenbelt. This is like shooting yourself in the foot and hoping for the best. Lire davantage