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Totally wrong to touch to the greenbelt and build new highway 413. It will make too much damages to environment and destroy farmland. Instead, densify in the city is the way to go. Other measures to stop investors buying units for airbnb could be taken. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree with use of the greenbelt for new housing. As the government has been told by its own experts, there is plenty of room for the necessary housing without doing damage to the greenbelt.

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Absolutely and vehemently opposed to to developing on our wetlands. Ontario is massive. Absolutely no need at all. Invest in better trains and transit, even high speed rail and build on all the land outside of protected lands.

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I am strongly against the government seizing areas of the greenbelt for development purposes. We have more than enough urban sprawl already and to take over environmental areas to add new homes is outrageous. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. Yes, people need housing, but greenland will never come back. The GTA is already too concrete, which drives temperatures higher in summer, creating a cycle of need - air conditioning - more heat, etc. Lire davantage

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I am very concerned about how Bill 23 is being approved with out a Democratic process. This Bill needs further consultation from all major players including our conservation authorities, local municipalities and other concerned groups, other than Developers. Lire davantage

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The proposal to expand construction into the protected areas of the Greenbelt is misguided and will have long lasting negative repercussions on our environment. These lands are important for agriculture, and wildlife - once they are gone, they can not be replaced. Lire davantage

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The need to protect the environment and land is entrusted to government via their election. The actions of the current PC government advancing private interest over public trust in this case needs to stop. There is sufficient land elsewhere to build upon in Ontario, without impacting the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario I am totally against opening the Greenbelt to development. Did the pandemic teach us nothing? We need natural spaces, food, fresh air and water. It is time that we prioritize these life sustaining functions. Immigrants of the future will also need these things.

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Jeopardizing the health of our protected natural environments is not the answer. Listen to the science and please put in the work to find sustainable and collaborative solutions to this issue. How can we use what we have already more efficiently? Lire davantage

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I am not proud and I do not support the government of Ontario in their goal to make changes to the Greenbelt. Bill 23 and this proposed amendments are not in the best interests of current or future Ontarians. Lire davantage

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To hear Doug Ford tell it, Ontario is bursting at the seams, folks. We just need to let out the Greenbelt a few notches and everything will be fine. As usual, the truth lies elsewhere. Lire davantage

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Ontario people are speaking loudly and clearly: Ford must keep his promise to protect the Greenbelt! Moving forward with his plan to develop swaths of protected land is unacceptable, short sighted and regrettable - for people now and for future generations.

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The Greenbelt is vital to the ecosystems of Ontario - it absorbs rain which prevents flooding, keeps wildlife habitats in tact, and its treecover keeps rising temperatures down. Lire davantage

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Urban sprawl is not how we will improve housing. These will not be affordable and will ruin precious Greenbelt habitat and farmland. We need in-fill housing within cities to actually help the people who are most hit by the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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“Optimizing use of land already approved for development and building in our existing communities, rather than through continued outward expansion, is clearly the most effective long-term economic strategy and the only way to provide the types of housing people need and can afford.” Lire davantage

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I find this reduction of space shortsighted, and given the connections between those who stand to gain by developing the land and the current Gov't, absolutely insulting. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is a sacred space to escape from the city and connect with Nature. To remove this for sake of developing homes is not benefiting the people (even those who would move into these hypothetical homes). How can the province be so blind to this? Lire davantage