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Rezoning protected greenbelt areas is not in the best interest of all Ontarians because the greenbelt is a diverse ecosystem that provides both recreational areas and unique habitat for a dwindling amount of wildlife. Lire davantage

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Very concerned about the abuse of power and the enrichment of developers with no apparent benefit to the public. If the greenbelt is developed it should ONLY be developed with affordable housing. Regular Canadians are not happy with these corrupt PC policies.

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This proposal is absolutely preposterous. It will not do anything to address the housing crisis and is a disaster for the environment. Building more suburban sprawl in the green belt is unsustainable. Lire davantage

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I am begging the government not to follow through with this. As a person in my early 20s, it is plans like these that make it clear our future is bleak. We know climate change is a massive issue. Urban sprawl contributes to this greatly. Lire davantage

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I think its a sad attempt at being bought behind closed doors. We have so much free land all around Ontario that can be used before that even needs to be looked at. This is only so Doug Ford can help line the pockets of not only himself but the investors who bought the land. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt should not be developed. This will primarily benefit developers with a huge downside to Ontarians who will permanently lose this green land. The government should be perusing the recommendations in the Housing Affordability Task Force report.

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Ontario relies too much on california for produce. We need to keep our agricultural land! Please don’t change it to housing! How can lettuce be $16.99 for three romaine heads?

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This just isn’t right. There are plenty of ways to build more houses without it, and the Ontario government selling land to developers *before* the greenbelt is opened up is extremely shady.

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I'm from southern Ontario. All I ever see is how we are going to destroy more land for the benefit of the upper class. This is not being done to help the housing crisis. This is about small men playing a big game to line there pockets with what little value the poor have left. Lire davantage

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This proposal is shameful and should not be allowed to happen. Developing land that has been reserved for environmental reasons contributes to the climate crisis and reduces space for the animal species that we share this province with.

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DONT DEVELOP THE GREENBELT! I am against the development proposal of the greenbelt. Bring in higher density housing into the core areas of the GTA - there is simply no need to touch the greenbelt. Do not ruin this essential habitat!

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The green belt should remain protected land and not developed over when there is ample land in other directions to do so. The non-greenbelt available land west and east of the city may be more cheaply developed, and is a more efficient use of taxpayer dollars. Lire davantage