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Release the audits to show who truly own the lands of the greenbelt. Ford seems to think people are stupid. Everybody knows who this is truly going to benefit. Everybody knows this is not to solve the housing crisis. Everybody knows.

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"Greenbelts and other environmentally sensitive areas must be protected" is a quote directly from this governments very own task force that was put together to create a housing affordability plan. Lire davantage

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I live north of the green belt and commute into the city regularly- I use and appreciate roads. I work in low-rise residential construction. I need more houses to be built to have a job. Lire davantage

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This plan is a terrible way forward for Ontarians and should not see the light of day. We should be looking to preserve, not destroy. Build our cities upward, not outward. Lire davantage

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There is plenty of land available for development in already-established cities. Then Greenbelt is one of the few natural areas left in or near the GTA and should be kept that way for all our citizens to enjoy, not to turn into further hastily designed suburban hell. Lire davantage

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Please leave the Greenbelts alone, these are very important biospots for wildlife and also helps for citizens to experience the rich biosphere of Ontario close to home. Lire davantage

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As someone who grew up in Richmond Hill and now lives in Toronto we should not develop on the green belt. It has an important ecological role and helps to prevent flooding. Yes there is a housing crisis but this does not solve the issue. There is land already approved for development. Lire davantage

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This proposal is an absolute sham and borderline criminal. It is particularly insulting as it stands to enrich developpers with NO GUARANTEE of benefits to the public. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. If it is to be developped, it should be guaranteed community housing / afforbable housing. Lire davantage

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As someone who is looking to buy a home, I am strongly against the Greenbelt expansion plan. No argument has been made for why the government needs to build within the Greenbelt specifically. Lire davantage

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This is a horrifying grift, which will not only damage irreplaceable swathes of ecologically important land, but it will have long-term negative impacts on Ontarians. Building on wetland and floodplain is foolish at best, maliciously greedy at worst. Lire davantage

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Developing the Greenbelt is taking away precious environmentally sensitive land that we can never get back. You are robbing future generations of green space and climate change mitigation for short term greed.

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This proposal is an absolute sham and borderline criminal. It is particularly insulting as it stands to enrich developpers with NO GUARANTEE of benefits to the public. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. If it is to be developped, it should be guaranteed community housing / afforbable housing. Lire davantage

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This plan is insane! Destroying wetlands, creating more sprawl, but where are we going to go when we get sick? Where do our long term care patients go when there are no beds? Lire davantage

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This is a dangerous slope and it baffles me how the intelligence and logic of our leadership in our communities is so highly unaware or ignorant to the needs of our planet. Lire davantage

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We need to support the gains made over the pandemic for work from home and review our infrastructure and housing needs within that frame. Work no longer needs to be done in a centralized location, we do not need housing density within commutable distance of those locations. Lire davantage