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This is purely to enrich Ford and his friends. This will not help housing. This will harm our greenbelt. The holmes will be poorly made and mostly sit empty. Our housing crisis is partial made by Fords stealing of funds and ineptitude at leadership. Lire davantage

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The green belt would not be paved, removed, exchanged for different areas or any such thing. It is clear that this is driven by corruption and your desire to please wealthy donors. If this plans goes through as is, many people will Lire davantage

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Please don’t ruin our lovely green protective spaces. It’s what makes the GTA livable. We need it for a healthy environment and healthy citizens, both physically and psychologically! Lire davantage

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Reallocating sections of the Greenbelt for development is not the only solution to helping the housing crisis of Ontario. The negative impact on the environment is obvious, as is the continued erosion of trust for the Ford government. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is there for a reason. Leave it be and do not break your promise. Make meaningful changes that allow densification in cities instead of sprawling more. Lire davantage

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We need to protect the Greenbelt from all development. There is no need to develop the land, put that money and those contracts back into the areas where people already live. Improve amenities and the standard of living, not the pockets of the already wealthy.

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I am concerned about the future of southern Ontario’s Greenbelt. This magnificent web of forests, rivers and farms is more important than ever as we work to tackle the climate emergency, protect local food producers and preserve recreational opportunities. Lire davantage

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I am proud citizen of Ontario in my 40s. I strongly oppose the conservative government's bill to build more homes faster. I believe environmental impacts are over the top negative if this greenbelt swath is destroyed. Farms and nature are very important. Lire davantage

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Developing in the greenbelt is taking away from the greenspace that we as Canadians value so much; and cuts into vital farming and agricultural land that is much more valuable to the future of Canada than building more housing on this land. Lire davantage

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Conservation areas are required to prevent land erosion. Do not build new housing on/ in the Greenbelt. Why not lower real estate housing costs in the cities? New families require services provided in the cities.

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Doug Ford’s decision to change what constitutes as the Green Belt of Ontario shows that his priorities lie more in personal profit rather than the benefit of the province and its people. Lire davantage

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This will be horrible for the long term health and vitality and beauty of Ontario. Plus it sets the precedent to destroy other habitats that we have protected. What's the point in protecting them if some bumbling mayor can just use it to make his friends and himself rich.

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I support the addition of the Paris-Galt Moraine to the Greenbelt protected lands, but that does not in any way compensate for the removal of existing properties from the Greenbelt to facilitate the construction of new housing. Lire davantage

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Please do not build in the Greenbelt. It is selfish and stupid. We won’t ever get that green space back it. It’s just another conservative move to make as much money for themselves as possible while not caring who else suffers.

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We have a huge housing problem right now in our cities. But the answer is not to destroy Ontario's prime farmland and important natural ecosystems. We need low-income housing in cities, not in suburbs. Lire davantage