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This should be criminal. Short term profits prioritized over long term harm. Government has lost its moral compass. You have an opportunity to do the right thing here, and you are failing the people of ontario.

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This destruction of the green belt is terrifying. It is an absolute failure on the part of the Ford government ans shows how little they can be trusted with the future of this province. Lire davantage

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I think Doug Ford is behaving in a corrupt way to benefit his donors. This plan is bad for the environment. Housing should be affordable and walkable and in existing neighbourhoods. This plan will create unnecessary and unwanted sprawl. It will affect our water and environment. Lire davantage

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While housing development is important, this is the wrong way to go about it. The greenbelt is so important to the conservation of our province, and is not worth giving up for some patches of development. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow development on this land. There are so many more benefits for Ontario to keep the land undeveloped. Ford made a campaign promise to not touch the land and now amidst a school strike crisis he quietly proposes something contrary. Lire davantage

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This plan is unconscionable. It is unethical and short-sighted to build on what little green space remains around major urban centres. The fact that friends of Ford stand to profit immensely by it is absolutely shady and greedy, and should be illegal. Lire davantage

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I am concerned about this proposed change. I do not believe the parcels of the Greenbelt identified should be made available for housing development. I am concerned that this change is due to lobbying by developers and not based on science. This has been widely reported in the media. Lire davantage

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The Ontario government's decision to provide 7400 greenbelt acres for development is not an acceptable option. It will lead to unsustainable/unaffordable urban sprawl, destroy habitants for many species and impact the quality of drinking water. Lire davantage

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I oppose this bill, as the developers who bought land on the Greenbelt look to be donators to Doug Ford's election campaign. This is very corrupt and disregards our democratic process in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I am writing to register my protest in the strongest possible terms to your amendment to the greenbelt. This land is not necessary to solve your housing challenges. Lire davantage

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The green belt should be untouched land! To give it up to developers is criminal. If anything the green belt should be expanded! We need more ecological protection, not less. This is another move that shows me to never vote conservative. Lire davantage

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This Bill cannot be passed. As an Ontarian, I know the importance of the Greenbelt. Highway 413 and the Bradford Bypass would destroy some of Ontario’s most productive farmland, harm federally protected at-risk species and degrade water sources for millions of Ontarians. Lire davantage

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Please do not destroy, harm, or diminish our precious green spaces. The Greenbelt is an important part of our remaining ecosystem, and we cannot afford to lose more nature. Lire davantage

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This plan is not the solution to creating more affordable house and will serve to only reward developers by destroying the environment. Taking away power from municipalities and communities is an attack on democracy. You are also breaking a promise to not touch the Greenbelt.

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The Greenbelt should not have properties removed from it. The PC party ran on a platform of not modifying the greenbelt; doing so now is undemocratic. Once these properties are developed, we can never undo the environmental damage. Lire davantage