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Let's be clear about the 'why' of Bill 23. It is nothing more than a gift to PC donors. The Premier lied about protecting the Greenbelt. Bill 23 is proof of the breadth of the lie. Bill 23 should have never been. Lire davantage

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Any ammendment that is not directly benefitting the Greenbelt(i.e. PROTECTING it from Development) should be met openly with scrutiny and criticism. Anything less than protection should be considered suspect and subject to independant review. Lire davantage

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Ontario does need more housing. But… 1) Not in the Greenbelt while there are still opportunities to further densify GTA areas that *already have infrastructure* 2) Affordable housing near transit is needed, not McMansions in the countryside. Lire davantage

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The proposed amendments to the Greenbelt will do nothing to address the housing crisis and set a disasterous precedent for our province. It is obvious to everyone that this is nothing more than a handout to developers who purchased land prior to the amendments.

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There's enough urban sprawl in our province and we need to provide densification of housing, by increasing sprawl, the cost to municipalities is increasing faster than the income generated. The cost to future generations however, is never going to be recovered. Lire davantage

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Expanding and developing on environmentally protected land is not a solution. (With mostly SFH) Urban infill and multi unit housing uses our space efficiently - close to existing services, transit and does not require extensive service expansion. Lire davantage

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Leave the Greenbelt alone. Think about the future of our children. Convert unused office space and empty malls for housing. People want to work from home let them. No more highways either.

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Absolutely build lots of multi-unit housing on the greenbelt. There is a housing shortage crisis and immigration is out of control with nowhere to put these people and no family doctors to provide medical care. So go ahead and try to build enough homes for everyone. Who cares who profits off it?

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I am begging anyone who will listen. Do NOT build on the Greenbelt. Please find brownfields in areas closer to the GTA to build homes. Canada will soon be facing a food shortage, and paving over our last remaining farmland in the area will make things worse. Lire davantage

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This is not good public policy. Congrats on being re-elected I guess but this legislation, if passed, will ruin protected lands in perpetuity. No one voted for any government to develop the Greenbelt.

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I oppose the Ford government's proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan on environmental and ethical grounds. I am a longtime resident of Hamilton, which would be negatively affected by several of the proposed cuts to the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Like so many other Ontario residents, I wish to strongly oppose Bill 23. Reasons for opposition to altering protection for the Greenbelt were expertly outlined by MPP Stephanie Bowman in addressing the Legislature. Lire davantage

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The Government of Ontario has done a good job of finding solutions to expand the housing stock, but encroaching on the Greenbelt is deeply misguided. Much of the land in Toronto and in the surrounding areas remain undeveloped or misdeveloped (e.g., too low density). Lire davantage

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Ontario's Greenbelt is the largest protected zone of near-urban nature & farmland on Earth. We cannot allow any government–even one with a "majority"–to hand out chunks of it to their billionaire buddies. We must speak out or we will lose this global treasure to greedy developers. Lire davantage

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The bill should never have been introduced. It goes against the wishes of the majority of people in this province and against the clear mandates of several of the effected municipalities. Lire davantage