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This is not what we want. As a Hamiltonian what we really need is better management to revitalize abandoned lots and put more money into the community that already exists rather than taking away the vital farmlands and wetlands. Lire davantage

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This is a travesty. We need this land to help fight against climate change. The air we breathe, the amount of water that the land drains and the wildlife depends on this land. The Greenbelt was protected for a reason and those reasons haven't changed. It's pure greed. Lire davantage

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Removing areas from ontario's greenbelt would be a shortsighted move. Our land, our wildlife, and our water are Canada's greatest resources and the keys to a prosperous future. Lire davantage

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The proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Act will undermine its essential purpose of ensuring permanent protection for the vital farmland and natural systems that provide Ontarians with food security, clean water, safety from flooding and access to nearby nature.  Lire davantage