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I don’t often comment issues however, as an avid runner, cyclist in the Greenbelt area of Durham Region I do not support the proposed amendments to the greenbelt plan. Lire davantage

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Citizens of Ontario will stand up against any Greenbelt development (including protests and occupation). This is war.......... Ford and his development friends will never ever reap their awards. Again, we will stop Ford and developers from even setting one shovel in the ground.

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I strongly believe the proposal to remove land from the Greenbelt is wrong and fundamentally flawed. I recognize that we need more housing but the focus should be on intensifying density instead of sprawling and destroying land that we can never recover. Lire davantage

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You say the population will grow by 2 million people and this plan will add 50,000 homes. At 4 people per home that's only 200,000 people. So this plan doesn't address the problem. Lire davantage

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I 100% disagree with this proposal and all the other legislation surrounding it... There is more than enough land to do this available already without out adding more sensitive land to the mix.

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I am against the development of sensitive environmental areas of the province when alternatives exist. I am against the Premier and his insiders and their plan to ram this through. This is a terrible plan and needs to be scrapped.

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This is unacceptable. The government has reneged on their promise not to touch the greenlands. The only individuals benefitting from these changes are developers. This government is manipulating policies and laws to benefit their political friends. It has not gone unnoticed. Lire davantage

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I find the whole premise of Bill 23 very undemocratic in its undermining of public process and engagement both in terms of the public at large and through the knee- capping of organisations that serve the public i.e. Conservation Authorities and municipalities. Lire davantage

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I do not believe this amendment is in the best interests of Ontarians - adding land to the Greenbelt, yes, but removing protected lands is changing the natural legacy that was left for future generations, consuming some of the best remaining farmland in Ontario, and encouraging sprawl along with its Lire davantage

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Please do not approve the removal of Lands from the Greenbelt. This will be hugely detrimental to our natural land and will not make housing more affordable or address the housing crisis. This proposed change will only benefit wealthy developers and not the residents of Ontario. Lire davantage