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I live in Oshawa and I am completely against Bill 23. I do not want to see any of the Greenbelt diminished and I am strongly against the removal of any protected Greenbelt for the development of houses, etc. We need to protect these important spaces with environments that we are unable to recreate. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should not be touched. As the GTA grows we have less and less areas for forests which provides habitats to wildlife and provides clean air. The GTA generally has a good air quality measure. Getting rid of this green belt area could sacrifice our air. Also, where will the wildlife go? Lire davantage

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Make no mistake. This is taking parts of protected land away "in the name of" more housing. Long term, this will be horrible for the greenbelt and will only increase everyone taxes. This is not fixing any of the issues we have right now. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible decision, this legislation taking aim at conservation areas and the greenbelt specifically is a disaster and also highly questionable as to whether it is designed to help the actual problem vs make certain developers richer. Protect our natural resources, end this madness.

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This is an unnecessary action that does not pass the smell test. Ontario municipalities have recently freed up 14000 hectares of urban land for development, as reported by CBC News on Nov 13, 2022. Lire davantage

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I am deeply concerned regarding the proposed changes to the Greenbelt. These changes will not improve housing affordability, and come with huge environmental and agricultural costs for Ontarians. Lire davantage

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This is an absolutely terrible idea, and I am deeply disturbed you're considering it. Destroying protected areas in the name of development should be illegal, I can't believe governments are allowed to just remove these kinds of designations. Lire davantage

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My family dies not agree with the purposed changes to Greenbelt. We think the government should not be allowed to make these amendments without the publics consent ( should be a referendum?). We did not vote for this change and we think it will affect all Ontarian residents. Lire davantage

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This plan to use greenbelt land for development is short-sighted and frankly a dangerous decision the provincial government has made to give up parcels of *PROTECTED* greenbelt land (did you know that Ontario is home to some of the *most fertile farmland in the world*?) --- to developers who want to Lire davantage

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Once nature has been destroyed it can never return to the way it was. Backyard trees and gardens don't support frogs, deer, beaver. We need wetlands for oxygen, and contiguous greenbelt to allow animals to roam. This is a serious political mistake, trying to destroy the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I believe the Greenbelt should not be touched because it will not benefit the population. There is plenty of land to build housing on, that is not being efficiently used. Moreover, the land was protected for a reason: to improve the health of our communities and environment. Lire davantage

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Development within the greenbelt is a poor idea and will only lead to further environmental damage which this government should be fighting to protect. Your lack of progress in this area strengthens my distrust in your leadership. Lire davantage

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I greatly opposed Doug Ford's attempt to make inroads on the Greenbelt. Ford has demonstrated time and time again that he does not care about the future of this province as a whole, as this environmentally protected area is an investment in all our futures. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should remain untouched. By developing it, adding more concrete, the hotter the area becomes with no greenery to help regulate the climate. The animals are displaced and people begin to complain about them as pests in their neighbourhoods. Coyotes are already roaming streets. Lire davantage

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It is WRONG WRONG WRONG to build on a greenbelt area, it is WRONG WRONG WRONG to destroy a greenbelt area and it should NEVER be done.....EVER. Stop letting the almighty dollar be the root cause of this injustice! Lire davantage

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I wholeheartedly disagree with this amendment. The purpose of the Greenbelt is to protect important habitat and viable agricultural land which is threatened by sprawl development. The Greenbelt provides innumerable benefits to the province and its residents. Lire davantage