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Please DO NOT consider reducing the greenbelt. Ontario's Greenspaces are a precious finite resource- once gone they cannot be reclaimed. Please instead consider redeveloping underutilized land that is already developed such as parking lots, malls and industrial land. Lire davantage

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As a lifelong resident of Ontario, it sickens me that you want to develop the green belt to enrich Doug’s friends. It is valuable land that should be kept as is. Floodplains, farm land, home for the wildlife. We have plenty of space to build more homes. Lire davantage

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The green belt was established as a commitment to preserve our collective environment, health, and safety. We can't reneg on that commitment simply because it has become more convenient to do otherwise. There are other, better ways to do housing. Lire davantage

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In this age it is vital for us to keep as much green space as possible to help combat climate change. We can’t afford to lose a single tree much less 7400 acres of it. It is time for us to build up, not out. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is our drinking water. It feeds our farmlands. It is the home of many animal species already struggling to get by. Hamilton voted against expanding the urban boundaries to protect it, choosing instead to increase density to make the compromise for housing. Lire davantage

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DO NOT BUILD ON THE GREENBELT. Do not amend the Greenbelt Plan to support urban sprawl. Support densification instead. Do not support policy that essentially requires people to own cars to live. There are better ways. Lire davantage

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The consequences of this amendment will be catastrophic to Canadians and Ontario's ecosystems. Causing this much harm for the sake of building new homes is unconscionable. The only benefits will be in the short term.

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Why are we destroying previously protected green space? What has changed? Our climate is continuing to deteriorate so if anything we should be strengthening these protections. I live in Hamilton and cheered when the council voted no to the boundary expansion. Lire davantage

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I am against this proposal, and disappointed Ford's government is breaking another promise. Please work with local municipalities to improve public transit and minimize urban sprawl by increasing population density in existing urban areas.

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These changes are short sighted and will obviously not solve any housing issues. This clearly will only serve developers and those wealthy enough to purchase single family homes. Densification and proper urban planning is what our government should be focused on.

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Destroying our Greenbelt is the single most short sighted thing this province can do. If the housing crisis is the actual real motivation behind this decision, why not focus on building denser, more walk-able neighbourhoods already in city limits? Lire davantage

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Housing is urgently needed, but this is absolutely the wrong way to increase supply. An effort must be made to infill urban areas and build up rather than out. Please, don't do this!