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Concerns: impacts to waterways, islands and access impacts to water quality, aquatic plants, lake beds, fish, wildlife and habitat persons occupying public lands without authorization and excluding others from using that land Lire davantage

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I neglected to include one additional comment on the proposed regulation. Reducing the number of permitted anchoring days in one location from 21 to 7 for a calendar year is ridiculous. Lire davantage

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You are sucking the life and culture out of Canada. One less right at a time. Shame on you whoever is reading this.

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Why are rights always taken never given? Wow some people want to camp on Georgian Bay, they are just living life, leave them alone.

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I am both a waterfront resident, and an active boater (frequently overnight) so I believe I can fairly comment on these proposals with a balanced view. Lire davantage

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Aside from the fact that these "floating accommodations" are hideous to look at and mar the beauty of public access to waterways, are any of these "floating accommodations" subject to accommodation or other taxes?? if not, they should be. Lire davantage

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ERO 019-6590 Response: Camping on Water. Max 7 days, for everyone. Excellent 300 m from any developed shoreline/ structure, dock. Perhaps increase to 1500m. Visual distancing would be enhanced. Move minimum of 1km. Excellent Lire davantage

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Ontario has access to 20% of the world's entire supply of fresh water, while having one of the relatively lowest population densities on the planet, as a region (ref: Lire davantage

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The new proposals look reasonable to me. No one should be living full time on the water.

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While I agree with most of what is proposed. The requirement for boats to not anchor within 300m of private property to be extremely harsh given that there are already less and less protected harbors to anchor overnight due to growth in cottage development. Lire davantage

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First of all, some of the reasons for this change have no studies or proof that any of the so called accommodations on water are affecting the environment. I believe some of this is motivated by landowners who have property on the water and don't like boats in front of their cottages or home's. Lire davantage

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First of all, some of the reasons for this change have no studies or proof that any of the so called floating accommodations are affecting the environment. I believe some of this is motivated by landowners who have property on the water and don't like boats in front of their cottages or home's. Lire davantage

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This is an egregious overstep. 300m away from any structure will wipe out DOZENS of anchorages causing crowding in the others. That crowding cause significant safety hazards as well as cause more noise and pollution due to overcrowding. Please rethink this 300m restriction.

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How do you justify any of this as a taxation and regulatory body? These structures have fixed units which are affixed into the lake and river beds to keep them sturdy. They must have the sufficient systems on board that any normal water going livable vessel must have. Lire davantage

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I am completely against having these floating accommodations on our lakes and rivers. There are many concerns including the degradation of water quality, wildlife, privacy, safety and aesthetics in this precious environment. Lire davantage

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Do the cottages on land need to be 300 feet apart? What if a cottage is across the bay and the bay is narrow, so one of the cottages would have to move? This is a silly idea, and is only being pushed by the elites. Luxury tax, and now this, LOL.

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I agree with the proposed changes. Thank you for your thoughtful review and recommendations. Hopefully this closes the loophole on floating structures.

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I do not agree with this amendment. I live full time in Muskoka since 2008 and I draw water from the lake for my cottage. Floating residences will lead immediately to waste and refuse tossed directly into our water supply. Noise and privacy issues will overwhelm our police departments. Lire davantage