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This is ridiculous use of land we need for growing our food, and food for all the people we are bringing into Canada. We have a food crisis and California and AZ are soon unable to grow food for us as they have a water shortage. Lire davantage

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City of Oshawa

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Please find attached correspondence regarding City of Oshawa Report ED-23-112: City Comments on the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement and Summary of Changes Resulting from Bill 97, the “Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023.” Lire davantage

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We need to be allowed more lots severed off of our farms. Please make this happen mr.Clark and mr.Ford! Our children want to stay on the farm and build their own homes!

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I believe that taking any farm land out to allow homes is A very short sited approach. Food security for our own people in Canada is paramount over sprawling sud divisions. Densification of present residential lands is the preferred direction. Biodiversity is a crisis that needs to be addressed. Lire davantage

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I want to subdivide 2 lots off of our 40 acres. One for ourselves to build on and one extra one to help pay for the cost of building a new home as we are going to sell our current house to our daughter so her and her family can move back home from Alberta

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I strongly disagree with the proposal's direction to allow the conversion farmland, prime or otherwise, into residential land. Ontario's urban centres would be much better served through densification. Lire davantage

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hello, I am a member of my Township's Heritage committee, and member of the ACO. Our heritage committee is making excellent, initial progress on recommending historic and culturally valuable buildings and structures for listing and designation to our Council. Lire davantage

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Town of Arnprior

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The Town of Arnprior has concerns regarding 3 issues: 1. Changes to the employment land definition and requirements for conversion to non-residential lands 2. The greater role given to Ministers zoning Orders 3. Rapid implementation Lire davantage

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We need our farmland, that is our future! Build housing on not prime land! We can have both!

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As a legally-blind person living in the Niagara peninsula, I think it's very important that the above plan prioritizes developing mixed-use zoning, dense multi-unit housing, and usable public infastructure such as busses, trains, trams, and protected bike lanes. Lire davantage

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Farmland is precious to Ontario. Building on farmland will reduce crops we need to feed people and animals. I am against further building on vulnerable farm land.

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Corporation of the Township of Wilmot

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Please find attached Township of Wilmot Staff Report DS-2023-09 which forms the Township of Wilmot comment on this matter. Lire davantage

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There should be a lot of thought places on restricting the sale and development of farm lands. Lire davantage

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please continue to follow through on allowing farmers to sever 3 or more parcels of land from their property to increase the housing supply. This is a great idea and needs to be passed.

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The solution to the housing crisis is not to build more suburbs (and suburbs of suburbs at this point) and create an even more car-centric culture than we already have. We need to go in the opposite direction, for the environment and for our quality of life. Lire davantage

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City of Guelph

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The City of Guelph appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the adaptation of the Provincial Policy Statement (“PPS”) and A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (“the Growth Plan”) into a new proposed Provincial Planning Statement (“Planning Statement”). Lire davantage

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Don’t let Oxford County go the way of Holland! Protect our farmland!

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All the policy the government did gose against housing affordability, doubling immigration every year since 2015 dose not help,and thair is no infrastructure to support all the people moving into these areas, and all the family's moving into thair new homes, will be driving every where because the l Lire davantage

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Doug Ford's Bill 23 ensures that our communities' past eventually truly does become history. Ford's apathy towards our built and natural heritage proves he is amenable to sacrificing it for 'More Homes Built Faster'. Lire davantage