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Why are you spending my tax dollars on removing bike lanes?

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Talk about over-reach. Wasn’t it Doug Ford who advised someone to “ stay in their own lane” recently ? Bikes REDUCE congestion. Removing lanes leads to less cycle traffic, putting those cyclists back into CARS, which INCREASES CONGESTION. Lire davantage

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This bill will not work. The idea of removing bike lanes won’t reduce gridlock as is shown in every other major city around the world. New York a city with much worse traffic then Toronto when they removed a lane and installed bike lanes saw a significant reduction in traffic. Lire davantage

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What a short sighted approach to city planning and development. Seems like cash in politician’s pockets comes first, the good of our cities comes a distant second. Sad really.

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Terrible idea. If I get injured in a place where bike lane was removed then I will sue the government since you are responsible for this

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We need more bike infrastructure, not less. Please make roads safe for cyclists. The benefits are numerous.

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Stop interfering with municipalities. The premier should be focused on Ontario, not sticking it to Toronto.

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I Will Still Ride My Bike to Work If you take the lanes out, I am not going to disappear. I will still be there. It's faster for me to ride my bike to work. You know who won't be going anywhere fast? Lire davantage

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This is absurd and a government overreach into municipal affairs. Study after study has shown we need to move away from increasing car infrastructure and move towards mass transit and biking infrastructure as cities densify. The cost and environmental benefits are clear. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely ridiculous and doesn't actually solve anything.

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Every new policy this government comes up with is dumber than the last one. This is an absurd overreach by the province. Cities know best what their own needs are. Lire davantage

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These proposals will endanger lives and go against all expert, researched knowledge about urban transportation. This is bill is playing a political game with people's lives for a personal vendetta and it is an embarrassment to the province. Lire davantage

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Removing bike lanes to reduce congestion is like trying to fight fire with fire. Believe it or not, the only thing causing congestion is cars. More bikes = less cars. It’s pretty simple stuff, but we all know how much difficulty the ford government has with even the most simple of ideas. Lire davantage

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You can tell this act is short-sighted by reading just one part of one sentence: "get drivers where they need to go faster." Not all Ontarians drive! And those that do aren't always driving! Lire davantage

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My kids use the Bloor St. bicycle lanes to get to and from school and sports commitments. It provides much safety for them and thousands of other Torontonians. Our city needs more bike lanes, not less! Lire davantage

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I love riding my bike and I want the responsibility of deciding what works best to stay with the local municipalities and cities. I am happier and healthier when I ride my bike!!!

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I am against this legislation as it would make the roads unsafe and would waste millions of tax payer money. I am against this legislation as it would remove environmental protections. Lire davantage

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Bike lanes don't cause more traffic, the fact that you don't understand that or refuse to look at any studies showcasing this is disappointing. Why are there environmental regulations being bypassed as part of this bill for a new highway? That has nothing to do with bike lanes or saving us time. Lire davantage

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"The Government of Ontario: -Recognizes the need to build priority highways faster as our province grows in order to get people and goods out of gridlock and save drivers and businesses time and money." Lire davantage