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You are taking exactly the opposite approach to fighting gridlock with this proposal. MANY studies have shown that adding bike lanes decreases gridlock and I think Doug Ford actually knows this. Lire davantage

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This legislation is backwards-thinking, abhorrent, and will result in deaths. Cycling is an important activity for reducing traffic, improving health, and reducing our carbon use and combatting climate change. We need more bikelanes, not less. We need downtown cores where CARS are banned. Lire davantage

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I do not support this nonsense legislation. The environmental impact that this legislation will cause is significant. Removing already installed bike infrastructure makes no sense and it certainly doesn’t make common sense. It is a waste. Lire davantage

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There are obvious points to be made -- bike lanes are shown to reduce congestion, weird overreach into what should be municipal jurisdiction, etc. Lire davantage

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why does the city & one of its only reliable transport avenues have to suffer because of provincial misunderstandings? More diverse transit options = less congestion in an already busy city. Please reconsider!! Finish the Finch & Eglington LRT’s & then revisit bike lanes.

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The Bloor Annex BIA data shows that "The number of customers and monthly spending at our stores increased after the bike lanes were installed." Lire davantage

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I live in Toronto and this act will cost Torontonians time, money, gas, and it will end up literally killing people. It is not based in science, data, or reason, and instead in feelings and emotion. Lire davantage

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I am a driver who commutes from the Uxbridge area to Toronto twice a week for the past 4 years. This proposal seems like it is going to put barriers up to creating safe roads for both cyclists and drivers. Lire davantage

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This is distracting from the real problems of congestion and gridlock, it will clearly not solve any problems. It is, in-fact, quite foolish of a decision and a huge waste of taxpayers money. Lire davantage

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Removing bike lanes is just another case of wasting taxpayers money for the Premiere's gains. The only way to reduce gridlock is to reduce cars on the road. There is zero other ways to reduce gridlock. Building a new highway or tunnel is just more taxpayer money waste. Lire davantage

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As a motorist, I can empathize with the desire and need to find a solution to the gridlock in big cities like Toronto, but removing existing bike lanes and discouraging the installation of new ones is nearsighted and ignorant at best. Lire davantage

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This is a asinine piece of legislation that will only cause more problems for our community.

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This is absolutely absurd. Of all the things the government can be doing to help citizens, how are you spending time and money on this? How about healthcare? Or public transit? Solve the real, and hard problems. We elected you to lead, not just pull off short-sited short-term populist BS. Lire davantage

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Terrible policy that completely ignores all evidence about how to make there be less traffic - get cars off the road. Will only serve to make commute times worse. Tremendously disappointing to see it even considered.

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It is an absolutely ridiculous and just plain stupid thought process to remove bike lanes in order to make traffic flow better. Quite literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth, Ford. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible decision and I will definitely change my vote and support anything but Doug Ford if this is approved. Research has proven we don’t need more roads, we need less cars on the roads. Lire davantage

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This is awful use of provincial legislative power. Let municipalities make bike lanes, it'll take cars off the road and reduce congestion by itself. What's with the name of the bill too? Nothing about this bill is going to save me time. Lire davantage

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bike lanes save lives. in some cases they provide space for emergency vehicles to bypass drivers who do not know how to get or the road. Lire davantage

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Ripping up existing bike lanes will only create more traffic. Work on expanding transit options and maintaining existing highways. Don’t touch our bike lanes.

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This Bill is a ridiculous waste of time and resources. Removing bike lanes doesn’t relieve congestion on our roads, it just makes biking more dangerous, which forces more people into more vehicles which is the real cause of traffic and congestion. Lire davantage