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Absolutely infuriating to think that the Ontario government is even considering this! I live in rural Ontario and am ashamed to say I voted for the current government, but that is going to change right quick if they wrongfully bring back the Spring bear hunt!!! Read more

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I think the Spring Bear Hunt should be cancelled. It is cruel and barbaric. You say that the killing of mothers with cubs is prohibited but nursing sows are killed during the spring hunt. We live in an area at the edge of the Queen Elizabeth II provincial park. There are a lot of hunters around. Read more

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The spring bear hunt is not right! This hunt is too early for mother bears to nurture their young cubs. When the mother bear gets shot, then there are abandoned bear cubs that will be wondering around and scavenge for food, thus becoming a problem. This is also cruel. Please stop the bear hunt!

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It's about time. How many people have died from Predatory attacks of Black Bears since the Spring hunt was cancelled. I had a Bear on my back deck with only a open screen in the door to protect my wife and 3 girls on a hot summer night. Read more

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I am NOT in favor of a fall black bear season, now or EVER. The sustainability of this great animal has been jeopardized through many unlawful actions as it is, now you want to legalize a disturbing sport for a trophy head or rug??? Read more

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I disagree with the spring bear hunt as human beings are generally heartless and greedy. The hunters won't care if the bear is a female or a cub. They're generally gun happy and are willing to shoot at anything that moves. Kill now, check later. Read more

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No, I do not support this practice. In a world where the climate is ever changing and becoming more unpredictable and drastic with every year, why interfere with nature when we do not have a clear understanding of the impacts of our actions on the ecosystem as a whole. Read more

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I am a young adult residing in NB, I believe the killing of animals as a form of tourism diagusting and barbaric. Animals of all kinds have lives equals to ours. There was a reason for the inital ban on killing the bears. Why change that now. Read more