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Development in the green belt goes against all climate change commitments and will set us back on disaster resilience and climate change targets. Wetlands and forests provide vital ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, cooling services, and flood mitigation. Read more

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Do not proceed with this. You are making a mistake. You can't just take land away and arbitrarily assign new land to become part of the green belt. The larger picture of the whole landmass has to be considered to make sure environemental migration patterns and flow of water etc. Read more

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The government should be focused on increasing residential density, supported by improved public transportation infrastructure and access to services, rather than worsening urban sprawl while destroying high-quality farmland, a non-renewable resource, in the process.

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I do not support the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. The proposed amendments should be reconsidered. The proposed changes run contrary to the very purpose of the Greenbelt to prevent further loss of farmland and natural heritage, and restrict urban sprawl. Read more

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I am fully against any degradation of existing Greenbelt land. The government has not done enough to show how much of the proposed additions in this land swap aren't already protected through other mechanisms. How much of the 9,400 acres are new and previously unprotected? Read more

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This is a horrible plan by the ford goverment. It doesnt making housing any more affordable for young people! It solves no housing issues. We also need as much green space as possible to combat climate change and if we build housing here were only making things worse for the planet. Read more

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This is against the promises made by the Ford government upon reelection. This is unethical and devastating for my generation's future. As a millennial/Gen z, I beg of you not to do this to us. It will effect our future and our kids future. Read more

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We need to be able to feed all the people that are coming into the country. Building homes on 1900 acres of prime farm land does not help that. On top of the massive environmental damage it will do to our provice. This is a terrible idea and never should have been proposed in the first place.