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The proposal to strip 7400 acres from the green belt for housing is an environmental disaster in the making. Toronto has a high vacancy rate both in commercial and residential real estate. The transition to work from home will only result in the commercial vacancy rate increasing. Read more

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I am completely against any land swapping within the greenbelt. I am completely against any removal of any land from the greenbelt. I completely support the ADDITION of the proposed areas to the greenbelt, provided no land is removed from the greenbelt. Read more

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Doug Ford, this is a misuse of power. The only people who will be pleased with this are the ones who claim they will line your pockets. Your job is to represent the people of Ontario, and you are doing the worst job of it I have ever seen. Leave the greenbelt alone. Read more

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This "corrupt" proposal will bring no relief from the housing crisis since the houses that will be built will never amount to the current stagnant wages offered across the province. There will be NO conservative MPP that will every get MY vote again as long as this proposal is active.

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I do not believe the Greenbelt Plan should be amended. As a Ontario resident I believe our commitment to preserve and protect nature is important. There are better ways to solve housing problems besides producing overpriced suburban sprawl and our politicians get paid to do this. Get to work.

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This policy is atrocious and does not keep in mind the future impact of what building in the Greenbelt means. As we work towards reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, we should be honouring their teachings on this land that we now call Canada. Read more

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DO NOT DO THIS!! Doug Ford only cares about his rich buddies. He does not care about the future of our province, our kids, the elderly, veterans, education or the environment. Please do not allow him to move forward with this awful proposal to open the green belt or that ridiculous highway. Read more

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This is wildly inappropriate an unacceptable. If matters like these are important enough that a bill must be past to make it possible, then make it publicly known and source public opinion before a decision is made. Don’t forget you represent the citizens of Ontario - all of us, collectively.