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This plan, although cloaked in being a simple exchange of land from one place for some in another, is incredibly short sighted and detrimental. It does not take into consideration the historical and ecological importance of preserving soil and ecosystems. Read more

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I wish to express my opposition to this proposal. The Greenbelt was created and has remained in existence for important reasons. They are to provide the people of this province with fresh air, clean water, valuable fertile farmland, and outdoor recreation. Read more

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Please do not take land from the existing Greenbelt. Redesignating land from another region will not make up for the environmental impact of overdeveloping land in the GTA. Overdeveloping existing Greenbelt land will not solve the housing crisis. Read more

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Doug Ford's government previously pledged to not developing on the Greenbelt. This land is protected as it houses thousands of species and their ecosystems. While there is a lack of affordable housing, there is not a lack of unused buildings in cities that can be transformed into housing. Read more

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I think this is a terrible idea. This land was originally protected for a good reason— to create a green belt, to save a swath of land from encroachment by subdivisions. We owe future generations a Green Space that is reachable from the city. Build smart, not out.

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It is not necessary to infringe on the Greenbelt because the affected municipalities all claim that they have enough urban land to accommodate the growth plans without having to build on the Greenbelt. I believe that most Ontarians support preserving the Greenbelt as it is. Read more

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The Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan Should not proceed. Please preserve and maintain our open spaces through environmental stewardship. More homes faster must be built in conjunction with with parks / open space to support and sustain a healthy life and environment.

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I live in Hamilton and I have enough of Mr Ford building highways that nobody wants and now trying to take our green belt away from us. It’s time to say No to Mr Ford and his greedy wealthy friends. We do not want Mr Ford and his rich ideas in Hamilton