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I oppose Bill 23. I believe it reflects values which I do not share, i.e. the adoption of "quick and easy fix" approaches to the solution of complex problems such as housing availability. Building more over-sized homes is not a strategy which is going to solve the housing crisis. Read more

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To truly solve the housing crisis, the Province should focus on land in existing urban areas that is close to transit and services people want and then focus on the 88,000 acres of land in the GTHA that are already designated for development  Read more

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I disagree with the plans to remove lands from the protected Greenbelt in order for developers to build on that land. The whole point of the Greenbelt was that it was important to permanently protect green space in Ontario in the context of current and future pressure to develop on that land. Read more

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I do not support the proposed amendments. So much time, effort and funding has gone into protecting these lands, it does not make sense to remove them without a thorough investigation into the environmental impacts of the area and surrounding areas. Read more

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I think it’s disgusting that Ford’s government lied to the people of Ontario about protecting the greenbelt for future generations and that private developers will make billions from the plan to build more homes on this invaluable land. Read more

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Although I have serious concerns about the More Homes Built Faster Act, I would like to focus this letter on the accompanying proposal to remove 7400 acres of land from the Greenbelt Protection area. I object in the strongest possible terms to the changes being proposed by your government. Read more

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We only have ONE planet. There are many other ways to build more housing in areas that are not pristine, protected land. There needs to be more in-fill housing. Once this land is developed, it is gone forever - this is a short sighted plan. Read more

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Reducing the Green Belt lands and adding home construction will harm the local ecosystems, wildlife & aquifer. It will also open the lands to colonization by invasive species such as dog strangling vine, buckthorn, various grasses, hogweed and European black alder. Read more

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I am a very concerned citizen living in Hamilton, outraged at Bill 23 opening lands to developers for housing. Doug Ford promised NOT to touch our Greenbelt. At issue: 1) The types of homes being built will NOT address the affordable housing issues Read more

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The whole point of the greenbelt was to discourage sprawl and encourage densification. This project does little to help the housing crisis compared to many better alternatives. This project will bring unnecessary costs to transportation and furthers the climate crisis. Read more

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The whole point of the greenbelt was to discourage sprawl and encourage densification. This project does little to help the housing crisis compared to many better alternatives. This project will bring unnecessary costs to transportation and furthers the climate crisis. Read more

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As a physician and scientist, I urge the Government of Ontario not to further develop the Greenbelt. There are robust data demonstrating that urban sprawl, habitat fragmentation and other harmful environmental practices enable pathogen spillover and spread. Read more