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I would place my whole life savings that the houses built on the greenbelt will be single family houses. This really is the worst short-term band aid solution to housing issues. So much of our land is used to build unaffordable single family homes. Read more

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I am 100% against building on the green belt. The Ontario government made promises that they would not touch the green belt, now they’re building on it. This is the last thing we should be doing during a climate emergency. Build in the city cores continue to build up, not out. Read more

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I live in Uxbridge part of the Oak Ridges Moraine where the waters flow south to Lake Ontario or to the north Lake Simcoe. This is a very fragile area. All protected lands, especially wet lands are critical to the entire environment of Ontario. Yes Ontario needs density not more sprawl. Read more

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According to the Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force, land is available, both inside the existing built-up areas and on undeveloped land outside greenbelts. The report goes on to state that greenbelts and other environmentally sensitive areas MUST BE PROTECTED. Read more

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This proposal is, on its' face, corrupt. Numerous developers purchased land in the Greenbelt after Doug Ford's Conservatives came to power (please refer to supporting links 1 and 2), even as Ford was saying that he would not touch the Greenbelt. Read more

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when it comes to paving or housing over the greenbelt is their any consideration that by doing this it will negatively affect the biodiversity the ecosystems the richness of these lands the environment... once this happens it is lost forever . Read more

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This development should not proceed. The land that is considered for development is prime agricultural land. It is 66% more productive than anywhere else in Canada and supplies 52% of Ontario's fruits and 10% of its vegetables. ( Furgala, 2019). Read more

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This is a really horrible thing our government is seeking to do. I'm very much not in favor of this happening. It seems to me like this is a back room deal for a select few to get rich off of while the rest of the population will suffer and have to deal with the consequences. Read more

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I’m very concerned with the continued encroachment on the Greenbelt for development. The Greenbelt is a vital living system that contributes to the conservation of clean air and water and provides vital recreation to Ontarions. Please preserve what we have! Stay off the Greenbelt!