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While I appreciate the proposal to expand the overall area of the greenbelt to offset the proposed removals; I don't think this is the best approach as it could send the message that the shape/locations of the greenbelt could change at whim as long as the overall area expands. Read more

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Please don't be so short-sighted as to destroy land that will be needed for future food supplies and to limit damage from climate change. This action will hurt both current and future generations. Please drop this proposal and instead increase housing densities on currently built-up areas.

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LEAVE THE GREENBELT ALONE!!!!!!!!! You’re destroying incredibly valuable and irreplaceable species diversity, not to mention carbon sinks that would soak up at least some of the insane levels of pollution that come from residential development. Read more

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The Ontario Conservative Party was not elected to build houses on Greenbelt land and farmland and destroy the environment for future generations. In fact it promised the exact opposite prior to being elected. A clear promise was made by Doug Ford that the Greenbelt would not be touched. Read more

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This plan is irresponsible to the development of a greener economy. We live in a world that is rapidly coming to the end of a climate crisis and not in the good way. If you want to develop more housing, look at abandoned buildings, cities, etc. Read more

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Any built use of designated Greenbelt land is unnecessary and harmful. Expanded urban sprawl is not the solution to our housing crisis and the deleterious effects of the government’s proposed actions under Bill 23 will ripple and magnify in the years to come. Read more