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I am deeply concerned and opposed to Bill 23. The proposed changes to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System are short sighted and irresponsible. As the climate crisis worsens we need to create stronger protections for Ontario wetlands rather than eroding them. Read more

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There are alternatives to using valuable green areas that have not been explored. This government said it would not allow building on the green belt. Your flipping this promise is a betrayal. We need these lands for environmental reasons for the longer view.

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I am writing to express my concerns related to Bill23. 1. The lack of complete review of this proposed bill23 by all concerned groups, more time is required for environmental reviews related to the reduction or modifications of the Greenbelt areas surrounding the GTA. Read more

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I am opposed to building housing on the Greenbelt lands. This goes against this government’s past promises. Lands proposed to be added are not the sample quality of farmland that’s is proposed to be removed. It is important to protect Ontario’s farmland and wildlife in the Greenbelt.

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With the population increase expected, I can understand the need for housing. Not everyone needs to live in the GTA though. The province of Ontario is a large province. Leave the protected natural areas peotected. You can never get those back. Stop the development of the Oak Ridges Moraine now

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The Greenbelt is protected to protect us from pollution, flooding and to protect the farmland we need to feed ourselves. Building McMansions on protected greenspace enriches a few political insider billionaire developers while degrading and damaging the future of our population and our ecosystem. Read more