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Molly’s Creek floods across my entire backyard every spring thaw and heavy rainfall. It overflows over 4 springs and upto and often beyond the stand pipe over my water well. Sitting for two to three days, seeping into the ground. Read more

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As a neighbour to Dresden, I want to express my concerns about this proposal. In addition to increasing local risk to the environment, it needs to be stated that there needs to be long term solutions to waste disposal. Read more

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This proposed dump is only 1.1km for the town of Dresden. They are to be 3.5km from towns. Dont know how it is even being considered. As well a number of endangered species are in the Sydenham branch near Molly's creek which will go extinct if it is polluted. Not very well thought through plan.

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I am not in favour of this proposal being approved. Our home is within 1.5 km from this site. My concerns are for the changes to this small town. Read more

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Please do not move forward with this application. Our town of Dresden does not need a dumping ground within 1 kilometre from the town. I live near this limit and do not wish to have a host of transport trucks dumping their waste in my backyard. Read more

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The proposal to expand on the landfill currently on Irish School road will only harm the town and the people of Dresden. Read more

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The Sydenham River abuts the proposed dump location, a river which supports a vast Carolina fauna and flora with at least 20 types of “at risk” species of fish mussels and reptiles. Read more

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I say no to the Proposal we do not need to change the property from current residential to a Disposal for any reason Leave it as it is now Residential!!!!!

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Please REJECT this proposal. I was one of the 1043 residents that participated in the Windsor CTV News Poll that asked "Are you opposed to the Dresden landfill proposal?" with 80% opposing. This site is 1 km from the Town of Dresden and 1.5 km from the high school and 2.5 km from Read more

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I'm sorry, but these proposals for York1 seems like a No Brainer to NOT allow these proposals to go through on a well known Flood Zone that Dresden Ontario is. For close to 100 years this entire area of Dresden is known for its famous flooding. This proposed property is right IN a flood zone!!!! Read more