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The expansion of the dump would be of great detriment to both Dresden and the surrounding area. The truck traffic would be very disruptive to the community. The two main routes off the 401 would include either taking Croton Line, a narrow, winding two-lane road, or right through downtown. Read more

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This waste site would have major negative impacts on the town of Dresden. Located so close to the town, there would be a slew of issues. TRAFFIC, noise, road conditions, loss of wildlife habitat to name a few. This is absolutely not the place to have the waste site.

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This proposed location is far to close to a town and river. The health and environmental concerns with this location are not something to be ignored. Less than 1km from an active town, and multiple schools so close. This is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.

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The potential health effects from living in close proximity to a landfill which would affect ALL of Dresden is high. Usually we don’t find out the effects until years later! I do not want to become a statistic. Read more

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This is 1km from our town! Why is this even to be considered this close to our homes??Our highschool is only a good walk from this site and our citizens do not want this upon our doorstep. Read more

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Good day… I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed amendment to York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd, existing ECA No. A020401, at 29831 Irish School Road, Dresden. Read more

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Please don’t pass this proposal. It is a great concept but the location is terrible. It is too close to our small town. It will affect drinking water, natural habitat, children safety crossing for school with the amount of proposed traffic. Read more

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There has to be somewhere else that isn't so close to a beautiful town like dresden. This is too close to homes and our children. This is Good soil to grow crops to feed our children. Too close to our water. FIND ANOTHER LOCATION

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I currently have excellent tasting clean clear naturally sourced drinking water. York1’s response to concerns over well water contamination was to encourage the municipality to extended twin water lines. UNACCEPTABLE .

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These comments are regarding the proposed York1 recycling facility and landfill expansion at 29831 Irish School Road, Dresden ON. I, as well as the residents of Dresden and surrounding area am staunchly against this proposal. Read more

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Regarding this application….my first objection is to the sheer volume of traffic that would be be inevitable if allowed to proceed. Read more

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Simple. NO!!! Why would the community of Dresden and all of Chatham Kent want to take the toxic trash of other communities? Why should Dresden have to take all the negative impacts, including destroying the land, polluting the water ways, the smell, and the health risks? NO!! Absolutely not!!

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I live directly across the road from the site and traffic is going to be a huge factor , dust noise and lose of property value not to mention the impact to my well ,thanks Dave Willson

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The people of Dresden and area, need iron clad promises, that they will not expand the dump and that they will use all means to ensure there will be no spillage reaching the rivers or ground water. Read more

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Molly’s Creek is a little spring fed stream that enters the Sydenham River and the proposal that York1 has proposed could cause harmful chemicals to runoff from the site into the creek and eventually into the Sydenham River. Read more

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How dare you come into a small community and put a dump immediately beside it, impacting not only the people but the environment as well. Shame. Keep your GTA trash in the GTA. We don't want it here ruining our town, health, and nature.

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The location of this proposed site is absolutely unacceptable, from the unreasonably close distance to the town, to the solution of the water ways that pass right through the site, not to mention the endangered species that have been spotted there will now extinct. Read more