In an area as densely…

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In an area as densely populated as Southern Ontario, greenspace is a must, and we have that in the greenbelt. An area for farmland to provide us with much-needed food and crops. An area full of diverse ecosystems that help provide clean air and water, and provide habitat to so many amazing plants and animals. It also provides important space for people to explore nature and get out of the city.

We were promised 4 years ago that Doug Ford and his government wouldn't touch this important area. And now, he's going back on that word. I guess Ontarians shouldn't be surprised, it's not like Doug Ford knows how to tell the truth. It is disgusting that he's now more concerned about his developer friends making a profit than keeping Ontario green and clean.

Expanding into the greenbelt will destroy wetland, forest, farmland and other ecosystems that are so important to us. It will create more urban sprawl that is only beneficial to the developers who will get rich off it. What we should be doing is building density in cities - there are so many empty, abandoned, unused lots in cities that can be built on. Plenty of half-empty or fully empty commercial/industrial land that can be repurposed for housing. Encourage higher density housing - apartments, condos, townhomes, stacked towns, etc. - rather than sprawling single-family homes. Not only does it save the greenbelt, it makes use of unused land in cities, reduces emissions from vehicles and encourages people to use public transit, and overall just makes more sense.

There are much better options than destroying the greenbelt. Sure, they don't make Dougie and his friends as much money, but sucks to be them. There's more at stake and more important things than money, and our environment is one of them.