There must be more…


There must be more restraints against hunters, while the government has chosen to be soft when it comes to hunters and the regulations for them, at some point, the government has to realize it has the power to protect the land and the animals that reside here as equally as we humans do. To deny this is to deny the fact that as hard as humans try, this land cannot be “owned”, as ownership itself is a construct of society that only leads one to believe he/she has more rights that he/she truly does. The land is as much the animals as it is ours, whatever paper may say, and it is time for our government to stop hiding behind false apologies and start becoming what it should have been all along, a protector, not just to humans, but to the species that lived here long before we did. Out of respect for the land, nature and fellow man, the flexibility for hunters must be disallowed, for allowing such power only demonstrates a lack of power and a surplus of fear in the government’s side, too afraid to do what is right. There is only one choice to be made: are you, the government, going to continue to disappoint, consistently, those citizens that truly care for the world around, or continue to favor those who lack mental abilities to care for something other than their own ego. Make the right call…