This is probably one of the most idiotic proposals any provincial government could be proposing in the year 2024. It is patently false on all accounts and is written by a government that is so car-brained it flies in the face of all modern urban planning.
For starters, bike lanes do not cause congestion they ease it. For every cyclist in a bike lane, that's one less car on the road. Multiply it out and do the math, it's simple. This legislation would create substantially MORE congestion and would be an utter waste of taxpayer dollars.
Your government is supposedly against red tape as you are literally creating MORE of it with this lunacy. Municipalities will have to waste time and resources to justify bike lanes ALREADY INSTALLED. Talk about red tape indeed. It would be funny if it didn't have such drastic consequences if enacted.
Emergency response times DO NOT get worse because of bike lanes. You only have to ask Toronto emergency services for your answer. Pick up the phone and ask them or just watch the multiple videos of them saying as much on YouTube. Go on, take a look right now, I'll wait...
Cool, now let's move onto businesses and how they benefit from bike lanes. Tell me, who is more likely to shop at a local business. Someone speeding by in a car or a cyclist passing by at a slower speed??? Perhaps you could Google this answer too! I'll save you the effort, businesses do better with bike lanes nearby as cyclists are far more likely to stop and shop. It's simple, more bike lanes leads to more business! What a concept!
I could continue on and on and on but you already know deep down this is an incredibly dumb piece of legislation. If your government passes it, I will be leaving this province once and for all. I won't live in a place that spits in the face of good, modern, planning. I'm in school for urban planning and I hope you know that this is a running joke amongst us. This government is a clown car and it is truly embarrassing to be living in this province with garbage like this on the horizon.
Soumis le 21 octobre 2024 10:31 PM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps - Cadre en matière de pistes cyclables nécessitant le retrait d’une voie de circulation.
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