I am opposed to this…


I am opposed to this overreach of the province when it comes to municipal tra sportation decisions. Municipalities have comprehensive long-term transportation plans, informed by years of research and consultation, and they should be ultimately responsible for delivering on what would work best for their residents.

Bike lanes have allowed thousands of Ontarians to ditch their cars - saving money, improving their health, and getting a better sense of their cities. Bike lanes have been shown time and again to increase local business revenues, as cyclists tend to spend more money at small businesses vs drivers. They allow people a choice about how they navigate their cities. They have allowed elderly people and parents with kids get around without needing to drive.

Your policy will have one effect, which is to increase congestion. Turn cyclists into drivers and the congestion will only get worse. Congratulations on a red tape inducing policy which will have the revers of the intended impact.