This is a ridiculous,…


This is a ridiculous, backward piece of legislation. The *only* way to reduce congestion is to remove cars; this has been proven time and time again. You say you are data-driven, but this is laughable. Safe bike lanes give people clean, green and healthy opportunities to get out of their cars. Of course not all car trips can be replaced by bikes, but many can. This creates space for those who cannot use a bicycle to get around. It relieves gridlock for transit as well, which you should be investing in before more roads for private cars. It has been proven in Toronto and many other places that cyclists bring more business to the areas where bike lanes are located. Again - if you are data driven you should know this. When bicycle lanes are separated from car lanes it is safer for both. Interfering with local governments and their transportation plans is out of scope for your ministry.

Given all this, your proposed legislation is anti-health, anti-environment, anti-safety, pro-gridlock, anti-business, anti-small-government....

Get stuffed. This is one of the stupidest things you've proposed, and that's saying a lot.