It's been proven time and…


It's been proven time and time again that more car lanes only means more cars which equals more time spent waiting in traffic. Every bicycle user is one less car on the road. Building and encouraging bike and alternative modes of transportation reduces gridlock and removes car traffic from the road. It's not hard to figure out that less cars equals less traffic.

We need to stop introducing bills that rip up progress forward. Instead we should focus on providing alternative transportation modes and stop just adding more lanes of traffic. This province has been starved of transportation alternatives for decades. We need better pedestrian, bicycle, train and bus infrastructure. Why do I have to take a car to travel everywhere in Ontario? Why can't I take a day trip cheaply and easily between cities or towns by train or bus?

The way this bill is written it sounds like it allows the province to make municipalities rip up recently installed bike infrastructure and replace it with car lanes. Why are we wasting money to build infrastructure, only to rip it up a few years later? We have more important things to spend money on like Health Care and Housing than reversing bike lanes that actually prevent traffic injuries and deaths of vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists and those using assistive mobility devices.