I cycle to work daily. I rely on bike lanes on Bloor Street to arrive at work and return home safely. On weekends, I use various bike lanes with my active 8 year old to safely navigate the city. We often stop to shop at local businesses - something much harder to do when driving because of the availability and high cost of parking.
Bike lanes keep my family safe. They keep my car parked in the garage - reducing traffic and pollution. They support local businesses.
Since this legislation was announced, my daily bike commute has become a reminder that this government doesn't care about my safety, my child's safety or the environment.
Bike lanes don't cause congestion - they relieve it. If more people felt safe to cycle, they would leave their cars behind. This legislation is just a cynical ploy to pander to suburban conservative voters at the cost of the lives of Torontonians. It is also a massive over-reach into municipal affairs, which negates our democratic rights as the people who voted for our mayor and councillors. Once again we are being punished for not electing Doug Ford as mayor and bruising his ego in a way he will clearly never forget.
This legislation is dangerous and divisive. Premier Ford is playing politics with my life as a cyclist.
Soumis le 1 novembre 2024 11:31 AM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps - Cadre en matière de pistes cyclables nécessitant le retrait d’une voie de circulation.
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