I am in favour of cancelling…

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I am in favour of cancelling cap and trade. It is a burden on the Ontario economy and benefits other jurisdictions.
We need to balance economic output and growth with impact on the environment. I think the priority should be individual awareness of our impact on the environment- the more we consume and waste of resources - the greater the damage we do.
If we do not conserve energy more will need to be created to supply our needs. If we dispose of items no longer needed without it being re used in society we will have more harm to the environment. Collectively we need to be aware of our impact on our environment. Taxing carbon is too late in the sequence- we will not produce less emissions by being taxed. We need to be educated what our carbon footprint is and what we can do to reduce it- that means improving commute times will by improving infrastructure (increasing employment) is better than taxing more. Efficiencies are needed - but as we move towards automation in society more jobs will be replaced- or certainly not well paid. The balance between economic output and environmental impact is a significant one and if our economic output drops and standards of living falls people will succumb to health stressors where the risk of coping with insecurity means they have a higher risk of depression and addiction to cope with regression in the economy. Societies where economic decline happens increases suicide rates, family coping falls and there is a human impact that is not helped by a carbon tax that is collected to be re distributed back to those in economic distress. By curbing economic output with such a tax more people will be in economic and emotional distress. Virtue signalling will be used to make us feel good about what we are doing for the economy - buy cannabis being legalizes which has a carbon footprint will be consumed more to cope with the stressors of economic malaise from the economic decline. All actions are inter related and because something feels good does not mean it will not cause more harm. In the case of cap and trade it is reactionary and not a progressive process to limit climate change in a meaningful way- but a tax cloaked as a feel good initiative to feel we are helping the environment and collectively doing something- when it is not going to do that whatsoever.