No informed person denies…

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No informed person denies that rapidly cutting fossil fuel consumption is necessary to prevent massive environmental disruption and enormous social costs.

Speaking as a professional economist I know that the only low cost and effective approach to cutting carbon emissions is to implement a carbon tax on all fossil fuels at the point they enter the province and to distribute the funds raised equally to all persons in the province, children included.

Since the tax is collected prior to suppliers receiving the fuels, the Province can begin sending out carbon dividend checks before consumers experience any price increase. The checks will be popular and the provincial government would be wise to take credit for the dividend rather than allowing the Federal government to do so.

To make any program effective the province has to make a credible commitment to a high carbon price in the near future.

To prevent harm exporters and domestic producers the province must have border tax adjustments.

This combination of actions will have a positive effect on the Provincial economy and be more effective than the cap and trade system it replaces.