Removing bicycle lanes is a terrible idea and will contribute to greater cyclist death, air pollution, and CONTRIBUTE TO GRIDLOCK as more people would have to use cars because they do not feel confident cycling on multi-use paths.
Cycling is the fastest way to move around the City of Toronto, and if there were more bike lanes and more speed controlled streets, a higher percentage of people would bike regularly. There is a false statistic being used that about only 1% of Torontonians bike, this is from a study in the 90s. Currently (as of 2019), 71% of people regularly use a bicycle. The majority of people use a bike and also have a car; why would anyone want these bike lanes to be removed? It doesn't make sense. Which leads to the next point:
Of even greater concern is that the Ford Government is using this cycle lane controversy to make sure that no one reads the other parts of the bill, which removes environmental restrictions on highway construction and also will remove landowner rights for delaying the date of expropriation of their property. No one wants another highway. We don't want Highway 413. It won't make anyone's commute faster. But you know what would? Better transit options. However, the Ford Government isn't interested in doing anything that would actually help people.
Allowing for the expedited highway construction will ruin environmental areas, ones that could be protected with mitigation strategies, even if a highway was eventually put through there. If this bill goes through, it will allow Ford to shirk his environmental duties and push through a terrible project that he's set on doing for some reason.
Bad government, bad. Stop interfering in Toronto municipal politics, you aren't the mayor of Toronto. If you are so dead set on building highways, why not find ones that actually need to be built to provide easier connections for remote northern communities. Just do something useful for once and leave the city alone.
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Soumis le 13 novembre 2024 5:00 PM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps – Loi de 2024 sur la construction plus rapide de voies publiques
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