This bill is not only a…


This bill is not only a disgusting attack on sustainable architecture that is necessary for the city of Toronto, but also an underhanded attempt to sneak legislation past the public while using political distraction tactics.

Schedule 1 allows for the expropriation of property for the purposes of expanding broadband connections. While on the surface the expansion of broadband is necessary, this will negatively affect Ontarians. The Provincial government should seek respectful alternatives to this, such as mediated compensation for use of or destruction of property.

Schedule 2 "3 (1) Despite subsection 39 (3) of the Expropriations Act, a registered owner may not apply under that provision for an adjustment of the date of possession specified in a notice of possession if the Minister expropriated the land under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act for the purposes of a priority highway project."
In other words, they can seize your property and you cannot apply for an extension, interesting to note that utility companies are given more rights in this section than citizens.

Schedule 3, Section 2 exempts not only highway 413 from environmental assessment, but also further developments within the GTA West corridor. This will cause incalculable damage to the environment in this region, destroying the collective property of the peoples of Ontario.

Schedule 4 involves blatant provincial overreach into municipal affairs in an attack on non car dependent commuters. This will cost the tax-payers massive amounts of money to remove infrastructure that we have already paid for and installed. The Premier should remind himself that he is not the Mayor and, just as he so often as he chastises the federal government, he should remember to "stay in his lane."

The Premier and his government should focus on assisting the municipal government in completing existing public infrastructure projects that WILL save Torontonians and Ontarians time and reduce gridlock. These projects are the Ontario line, expansion of the TTC, GO rail service, and the preservation and expansion of bike lanes.

One final comment, the Premier and his government should make a concerted effort to understand the concept of induced demand.