Red tape is not made up of…

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Red tape is not made up of rules to keep our environment safe and clean, it is meaningless repetitive form filling, sure combine the information needed for the project, make the forms very clear and identify the information needed to make sure you are not going to damage the environment, and if you are that you can be held accountable and do not have plausible deniability.
It is always government and the taxpayer that ends up cleaning up the mess, because the polluter goes bankrupt, I would much rather avoid the problem, the human illnesses that result, (that I have to provide free health care for) the unmitigated damages that cannot be repaired in any way or in environmentally friendly way. Whether it is mercury pollution in the Grassy Narrows areas, a problem for more than 50 years, or the fallout damage to the vermillion water shed (over 4000 square kilometers) we are living with this damage, with extreme levels of pollution that limit our life spans and cause many chronic illnesses. Wake up and recognize the rules are there for a reason. They make sense.