Regarding the Species at…

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Regarding the Species at Risk amendments;

Safeguarding future economic activity - presumably building, developing, encroaching, eliminating, interfering, etc for profit, indicates the exact opposite intention of the act. The stated purpose of the Species at Risk Act (as this conservative government has claimed and as the citizens of Ontario demand) is to sustainably engender healthy and increasing populations of species listed by the Ontario Government.
Reducing the efficacy of the Species at Risk Act by watering rules down that will promote further risk to these species is unconscionable. We cannot develop the homelands of the species who rely on them for survival.....regardless of how much money a developer can make. This will exacerbate an extinction timeline that none of us accept.
The people of Ontario want strict and effective legislation to reverse the "at risk" status of the many Ontario species listed in the act and provide stable populations for now and into the future.