We need to create a review…

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We need to create a review that puts endangered species first. Since 2013, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has watered down the ESA. The Crown Forestry Sustainability Act does not go far enough to protect species. We should not be discussing how we can erode the ESA for the benefit of business. As Diane Saxe, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario stated in her 2017 report the MNRF is using the approvals framework to "sacrifice the protection of species at risk for the convenience of industry. We must no longer put the needs of business ahead of the needs of the planet. Because of policies like this, we are now on the brink of extinction ourselves. We must not erode the ESA and try to make up for it by setting aside some money and a bit of land as a "conservation" area. The questions this discussion paper entertains are a blatant threat to wildlife in Ontario. These questions propose a horrific vision of mismanagement and neglect for the precious wildlife in this province. This is not how we should be preserving the environment for our children. We should not be using landscape approval. This will neglect some species. We cannot afford to destroy our forests. We should not be considering lengthening the time to list species or slowing down the process whereby government has to account for how their program has helped.