ERA 019-0005 This proposed…

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ERA 019-0005
This proposed change doesn't go far enough for Municipalities. It is great that developers would be able to dovetail their sanitary and storm approvals via a municipality's ECA process, but the whole system needs a revamp as it takes far too long to obtain ECA approvals for sanitary and storm works, regardless whether the developer is the ECA initiator/applicant or the municipality. It was anticipated for sanitary and storm ECA approvals to be approved quicker with the implementation of the Form 1 system for watermain works which formal Ministry approval is no longer required (which should have provided the reviewing/approval resources at the MECP to provide quicker sanitary and storm reviews and turnaround by way of not having to do water approvals, but this hasn't occurred). It is suggested for sanitary and storm process to be changed to the Form 1 type implemented for the water process in which the onus is on the P. Eng. signing off on the form and associated works. The Form 1 process for water works has been a great improvement for that scope of works