I myself have been impacted…


I myself have been impacted by Mill Closures .because of this I have had to separate myself from family and friends . For every job lost within a Sawmill , Pulpmill , or both not only is the person who lost that job affected but so are Family and Friends . Not only them but Communities and Towns .The Grocer ,the baker the candlestick maker ./

Unlike Fisheries , Forestry is a truly renewable resource .

I support the 55ESA Regulation extension .

Gather all involved to insure a solution to The Endangered Species Act

The extension should be 5 years or longer ,at least longer then 2 .It is like putting a Band-Aid on a cut that requires stiches . Lets not make Sawmills and Pulpmills an ENDANGERED SPECIES TOO

[Original Comment ID: 213021]