If you stop the use of bait…

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Baitfish Advisory Council for the North..BACN

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If you stop the use of bait on native trout lakes you will essentially put bait people out of business....the trout fishery is the major fishery in the North during winter months. This is when most of these lakes are accessible through snowmachine.
Bait is taken/ harvested from trout lakes, why is it an issue that the Bait is used in these lakes.
If the Bait is bought from a legal reputable bait business, there should be no issues as to where Bait is used...
Also, would this rule apply to all or just non aboriginal people. FMZ 10 has 34 reserves...it’s like me going fishing and able to use bait but my husband can’t...this rule does not make sense nor does it protect our fisheries...
All bait bought from a bait shop should be free of invasive species and disease...maybe it should be that no self harvested Bait is allowed in native brook trout lakes...
It’s time to make rules that make sense...