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Thank you for maintaining this moratorium until Oct 2020. When considering the more definitive policy going forward from that October 2020 date, note that:
1. Water bottlers are taking a valuable resource that is owned by the people of Ontario
2. Existing permits have allowed Water bottlers to continue extracting this resource at a ridiculously low price: $503 per million litres.
3. Water bottlers don't produce anything. They simply take something owned by the people of Ontario, wrap it in plastic and sell it to us at a grossly inflated price.
4. Their product is completely unnecessary. In fact, the sector never even existed 30 years ago.

Here's a proposal for your consideration: Increase the price of extraction by 25% annually. That's year over year over year. Tax bottled water at the same level we tax cigarettes or alcohol.
(Exception: distilled water for medical use) Use the extra revenue for a 2 year rebate incentive program for consumers on purchases of reusable containers. After 3 or 4 years, we can reduce most of this unnecessary extraction industry and conserve this precious Ontario resource.