ClubLink Corporation is…

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ClubLink Corporation

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ClubLink Corporation is Canada’s largest owner, operator and developer of golf courses with 28 golf clubs in Ontario. Our business is intrinsically linked to environmentally sound and responsible golf course development, operations and management.

ClubLink appreciates the Ministry’s efforts to reduce complexity and modernize pesticide management in Ontario while ensuring protection of human health and the environment. As a participant in the Ontario Allied Golf Associations We Are Golf Advocacy Day in May 2019, we are pleased to see that the government is amending Ontario Regulation 63/09 to remove the requirement to conduct annual public meetings to present their Annual Report on Class 9 Pesticides Use. As we communicated to several Members of Provincial Parliament, these meetings have seen poor attendance and represent a cost to all golf course operators. Annual reports on pesticide use will continue to be made available to the public for their information (via the IPM website or hard copies on-site) and any questions or concerns can be communicated directly to the golf course operator.